A Few Words About Us
The Grokett name is quite rare in America. Probably fewer than 100 people across the country. And from what I have been able to determine, we are all related. Cousins X times removed. At least that makes it easy to find us!

But this site is focused on mainly the two of us; Jan & Russell. Since retiring, I have finally gotten a chance to update this web site from its original days, back in 2000! Its really mainly a collection of our travels over the past several decades as well as a number of the web sites and blogs of mine. Though, many of these sites are quite dated... more stuff to do during retirement!
One thing I have learned, I am very glad we did NOT wait for retiring before starting our travels. Not only is it harder on the body from age 30 to age 60, some of the places we have gone are either too popular, too strenuous, or too dangerous to visit now.
With so many years of travel now, we have checked off a large chunk of our "Bucket List". Including nearly a dozen white water rafting trips, a like number of scuba diving, been on helicopters, private planes, snowmobiles, ATVs, dogsleds, jet skis, bicycles, trains, cog railroads, ziplines, a couple submarines and a large number of cruise ships.
I've camped in State & National parks all over the U.S. Been Caving in numerous caves and caverns. We have visited more museums than I can ever remember. Seen sights such as the Pyramids, Eifel tower, Hague Sofia, Stonehenge, Pompeii, the Sistine Chapel, Mayan temples, the Acropolis, Loch Ness, Astronomical observatories in Hawaii, New Mexico, West Virginia, England. Crossed the Arctic Circle, the Equator and the International Date Line. Seen Aurora in Iceland and volcanos in Hawaii and Italy. Visited Tahiti, New Zealand, Cairo, Patagonia, Fairbanks, Geneva, Istanbul, Acapulco, London, Paris, Venice, Florence, Athens...
We have stayed at a dozen or more Ski resorts, such as San Moritz, Park City, Aspen, Vail, Zermatt, Whistler...but have never skied at all! I've seen Space Shuttle launches, radio telescopes, Worlds Fairs. Rafted the Grand Canyon, the Salmon River, the Futaleufu River in Chile and more.
I look back and realize we could never have done this in our later years. I'm already worn out! :-)
A few of Sayings

If you have not been there, you have not seen it and you can not judge it.

Life is too short to sit watching it go by on TV. Stepping outside is more real than any reality show.