France 2000
May 16, 2000

    We drive following the coastline northeast visiting

    old port towns, walled cities and roughed coastlines

    to Brest, a large town with an incredibly confusing

    mix of old and new. Forget trying to use maps and

    looking for streetsigns. 

    One thing we've learned about driving in France; plan

    ahead and be flexible!
May 18, 2000

    We've arrived at Le-Mont. Saint Michel appearing

    like a city from OZ on the horizon.  A popular tourist

    spot, I see as many Americans and Brits as French.

    After a lunch of crepes (of course) we visit several 

    chateaus, a zoo, and even get to see a duck farm

    (as they appear -before- I eat them! Duck is very

    popular in France. Chicken, as Jan found out, is not!)
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